United States of America
Constraints research and reading Group (CR2G)
Address: Department of Computer Science
University of Texas, El Paso
El Paso – 79902
- People:
- Martine Ceberio (
- Links:
- Projects:
- Constraint Solving and flexible constraints
- Interval Computations
- Optimization
- Multi-criteria decision making
- Non-Square interval matrices
Knowledge representation, Logic, and Advanced Programming Laboratory (KLAP)
Address: Department of Computer Science
New Mexico State University
P.O herunterladen mms samsung galaxy. Box 30001, MSC CS
Las Cruces, NM 88003-0001
- People:
- Enrico Pontelli(
- Links:
- Projects:
- Optimizations of Parallel Systems
- Towards the Extended Andorra Model
- {log}: Constraint Logic Programming with Finite Sets
Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory (CIRL)
The Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory (CIRL) of the University of Oregon has a research focus on basic questions in artificial intelligence including search, knowledge representation, and reasoning herunterladen. Emphasis is on planning, constraint satisfaction, and commonsense reasoning. Laboratory faculty members participate in some Computer and Information Sciences Department activities and shared recreational activities bewerbungsunterlagen kostenlos herunterladen.
Address: CIRL
1269 University of Oregon
P.O. Box 30001, MSC CS
Eugene, OR USA 97403-1269
- People:
- David W herunterladen. Etherington (
- Matthew L. Ginsberg (
- Projects:
- Context-based Nonmonotonic Reasoning
- Optimization
- Approximate Reasoning
Constraints research group
This Group is currently not active but a lot of research has been done which includes building constraint solvers such as Cassowary and DeltaBlue wordpress website.
Address: University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195-2350
- People:
- Alan Borning (
- Links:
- Research:
- Land Use, Transportation, and Environmental Modeling
- Constraints and Constraint Satisfaction Algorithms
Enterprise Integration Laboratory
Address: University of Toronto 40 St ts icons for free. George St., Rm 8114, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G8- People:
- Mark S countdown uhr download kostenlos. Fox (
- Links:
- Research:
- Constraint directed scheduling
- Agent-architecture and Coordination